Friday, June 1, 2012

This is for you kids..

Last weekend I was lured into the world of Words With Friends and I've been in hiding with this addiction ever since. However I will take a break from trying to think up words that contain and "X" and "Q" to put together a "Springtime Events Post" for the children.
With 8 grandchildren and lots of sideline activities we needed new transportable chairs, it's pretty sweet to shop from a recliner and do the in the store pickup. 

Then take a picture of hubby carrying them out of the store.
Blogging turns a person into a real weirdo.

But look how snazzy they are!

The first two weeks of May were packed full of activities from Little League softball and baseball, which started right after spring break, and spring musical review shows to dance recitals, it was event-filled.
So to the children in the blogger viewing audience, here's your

Springtime Events Post

To the dearly beloved children of my children.
To these bunches of honey-ness.

To these two serious yet sillies who took over the baseball scoreboard controls one chilly evening. The Orange Fango drinkers and "I Will Be Worth" it T-shirt wearing (yes you ARE!) silly sisters. Yet you registered every single ball, strike, run and out.. right!?

While sitting like this at the picnic table.. ouch.

Looks painful doesn't it?
And it's cold isn't it?

Now that was a good game buddy!

This was a great dance.. from morose
to energized,
dark to bright.

You, child of God, are a blessed young man, and
and blessing to many.
You, young fella, are one terrific guy.. on the field. off the field.
at school.. at home.. you, dear grandson,
have more inside than anyone knows, I suspect not even you.
There's a dynamic Man in you.

And  a dynamic Man in you, kiddo.
A man after God's own heart.  

Oh the fun of performing and greeting your family afterward.

And you, sweetie pie, on the huge old tree
here on the lovely wooded compound.
LOVED your musical review show..

It's the cottage! Welcome little guys..
I would like to take this opportunity to direct your attention
to the mommy in the background and her tiny little tummy.
Oh look, it's Baby #3.. !!!

Hi, it's codge time!

Littl' back yard baseball..

Littl' back yard tackling.

The dock went in despite the chilly rain.

Twas a good May..

Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to Words with Friends.
I'm hooked.. I'm hooked.
Sideline Grandma


  1. What a joy-filled May you had! Love the photo record of the events and the happy faces on all.

    Good luck with Words with Friends. I very purposefully said NO THANK YOU to all who have invited me, making sure I'd stay away for I just KNOW I'd be completely and utterly hooked. Again, good luck.

    (And have a great weekend, too!)
