Thursday, August 25, 2011

Awww..NO not a sidelined QB!

Let's start here,  Labor Day of 2000;

10.5 years ago he allowed his precious GG, Great
Grandma, to hold and snuggle him.
The little heart grabber...

Last evening I had this instant message exchange with Sideline Daughter:
Daughter; he was doing hitting drills which sounds stupid but nobody asks the moms..
so....he and the biggest kid on the team were facing offand that kid slammed into his shoulder and got up under his shoulder pads
Sideline Grandma: ugh
Daughter: and slam, wham, stupidity

Here's the little heart grabber
last night, at the hospital.
Awaiting word of what happened
to his left shoulder. 
Wearing his nice new white football pants,
size medium even though they are a little too tight.
Sister Sideline.. "Why in the world do they make
all the football pants in white? That just seems stupid."
That word fits so many situations.

And here's the little heart grabber on a fresh Saturday morning
3 years ago when his teeth were missing
or growing in at their own paces.
The air was cool and he was the running back.
The grass was wet and my coffee mug was full.  

This was last evening after his father arrived at practice to find
little (Ok, he's medium size now) heart grabber sitting on the sidelines..
( *sigh, that is MY JOB!..)
With something 'amis' and in pain.

Yeah.. um... Coach?

YES.. I agree! Heart Grabber..

1 comment:

  1. From one Grama to another - welcome to the world of blogging.

    Now that I have no kids playing FB, BB, Wrestling or any other sport, I can freely say how stupid ...well maybe that word is too harsh, but coaches don't pay attention enough. One of my sons got hurt paired up with another kid too big and ruined his ability to continue through high school. The injury is carried around yet today at times. When you are in the thick of the sport it's hard to be reasonable. Blake will have many dissapointments along the way, sorry to say. Hopefully he will heal quickly and get back on the field. As a Grama I think it takes longer for our hearts to be at peace.
